On this page you'll find a wealth of recruitment materials that should help you reach prospects, demonstrate value, and make connections.
Recruitment Resources
Slides for Chapter Events
A great way for all of ARMA to gain new members is to talk about ARMA and chapter membership during chapter events. New slides have been designed and made available that chapters can include in their events. Click here to download them.
Prospect Lists
Prospect lists are essential to the growth of your chapter and help organize who the chapter will reach out to. Here are some resources you may find useful to help get started:
Continuous Recruitment Efforts from ARMA International
Member recruitment is a collaborative effort throughout ARMA International. In addition to the efforts and techniques chapters use to recruit members locally, ARMA International uses larger scale marketing and outreach programs. Between each of these efforts, we can reach potential members where they are at! Below are a few ways in which ARMA directly markets to prospective members.
- Campaigns to those who purchase books and courses from our bookstore.
- Contacting previous members after their membership has lapsed.
- Guests who attend our online webinars and InfoCon.
- Partnerships with other organizations like ACEDS.
- Directly to contacts in our field.
- Working in conjunction with ARMA chapters across the globe.
- Many more!
Allied Organizations
Working with an allied organization is a great way to generate interest in your chapter and ARMA International. Click here to view a list of allied organizations and gain ideas on who you could work with.