Use these sample job description for your board position and for recruiting for your board positions.
Membership Director Membership Director: The Membership Director is the Chairman of the Membership Committee and is appointed by the chapter President with approval from the Board of Directors or elected by the chapter. Please review your chapter bylaws to determine how this position is filled. There are two main charges thrust upon the Director and the committee: 1) Continued growth of the chapter and the Association by adding to the membership; and 2) Retention of membership within the chapter and the Association.
Past President/Chairmen of the Board: The Immediate Past President or Chairman of the Board is a member of the Board of Directors.
President: The Chapter President is the chief executive officer of the chapter and may serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, with the possible exception of the Nominating Committee. It is advisable that the President read and understands all parts of the chapter and ARMA operations, as it is vital to the success of the chapter.
Programming: The Program Director is the Chairman of the Program Committee and is appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. The main responsibilities of the Director and the committee are: 1) Arrange programs for monthly general membership meetings to carry out the general theme of records and information management and professional development. 2) Set the educational tone for the chapter and be responsible for ensuring that the meetings are a useful source of information for members.
Secretary: The Secretary is the corresponding and recording officer of the chapter. This position has record keeping responsibilities and acts as a liaison between chapter members, officers, and the Board of Directors.
Treasurer: The Treasurer is the financial officer of the chapter. This position is responsible to the President and the Board of Directors for the receipt and deposit of all funds of the chapter and for the disbursement of funds for properly vouched and approved expenditures. The Treasurer should serve as Chairman of the Budget/Finance Committee.
Vice President or President Elect: The Vice President or President-Elect is usually the second executive officer of the chapter. It is advisable that the Vice President read and understands all parts of the chapter and ARMA operations, as it is vital to the success of the chapter.