Chapter Admin Resources

Chapters thrive...

When they run smoothly.

In this section, we focus on the tools you need to administer and govern your chapter.


Click here to view a copy of ARMA's parliamentary procedures guidance sheet.  

ARMA International's governing documents are accessible to members as they are logged into the website on this page

New! Policies for ARMA International concerning chapters, more information on this page. 

Bylaws & Amending Bylaws:

Prior to adoption of any amendment to a Chapter’s Bylaws, the Chapter President provides a review copy of the proposed amended documents, clearly showing the change from the current approved document, to

Below is the bylaw outline with the information that the chapters are required to contain in their bylaws that align with ARMA International's Bylaws.

Meeting Resources:

The following resources will assist officers in running an effective meeting.

Election Resources: 

Items to consider for elections:

  1. Review bylaws for correct procedure of nominations and elections.
  2. Ensure that voting is done in accordance to bylaws and state law.
  3. Review the Nomination and Election of Officers Outline.

Sample Retention Schedule:  

Click here for a sample retention schedule.  This is provided as a starting point, please feel free to add to and adjust as you see necessary. 

Platforms for virtual meetings:

Google Hangouts

Microsoft Teams

Helpful Articles:

Tools to move your meetings online

Tips for facilitating virtual meetings